In February 2006, first commercial position of the company, geysers under its own brand “Oasis” entered the market in the territory of Russia.
In September 2006, the range expanded with aluminum heating radiators, and in December with electric water heaters.
The initial employees are still working in the company, currently occupying the position of top managers.
For 2 years of activity the company has entered into a top three of the largest importers of Russian gas geysers.
Brand portfolio of Forte is updated with new brands, the range of imported goods is greatly expanded. The company becomes the largest player on the equipment sale for hot water and heating supply, the range of which is constantly growing and improving, under own trade brands.
The company entered the new markets by introducing a wide range of domestic pump equipment and the direction of climatic equipment.
2011 is the start of the launch of own "Forte Prom" production company - full cycle plant for production of aluminum and bimetal radiators in Volgograd
Форте отмечает новый виток своего развития и начинает год как интернациональная Компания Forte Technologie & Produktion GmbH.
В составе холдинга основана Компания «Forte Klima GmbH», специализирующаяся на сбыте климатической техники и сплит-систем.
Forte is at a new stage of its development and starts a year as an international company Forte Technologie & Produktion GmbH.
The holding includes the created “Forte Klima GmbH”, which specializes in sales of climatic equipment, and split systems.
By the end of 2013 Forte is the absolute leader in sales of aluminum and bimetal radiators in Russia.
Торгово-производственный холдинг Форте запускает «Алюком продакшн ГмбХ» - технологичное российское предприятие по переработке алюминия в г. Волгоград, обеспечивая сырьем Завод «Форте Пром» и поставляя продукцию на экспорт, в том числе Японию.
Производственные линии «Форте Пром» модернизированы, введены новые литьевые комплексы, автоматическая покрасочная линия, позволяющие увеличить объемы выпускаемой продукции вдвое.
The dynamics of the holding development and the task of a synergy of all companies served as the impetus for creation of a new corporate identity, in the frame of which each unit has received the clear direction within a single one, powerful brand Forte.
The new structure of the holding companies: Forte Home GmbH, Forte Klima GmbH, Forte Prom GmbH, Forte Metals GmbH.
Within the development program of the Holding's subdivisions, production companies have significantly expanded their factory capacities, increasing production and sales by 100%.
The overall growth in sales of the Holding's trading units in 2017 exceeded 40%, updating the historical maximum in terms of revenue. -
Opening of a new trading company, Forte Tools GmbH, in the holding company Forte, specializing in the implementation of electric tools and garden equipment.
Структура Холдинга пополнилась 3 новыми компаниями:
«Forte Auto GmbH» - удобный сервис по доставке продукции Холдинга собственным автотранспортом.
«Forte Logistics GmbH» - современный складской и логистический комплекс.
Бизнес-центр Forte - современный бизнес-центр в самом центре Ростова-на-Дону.На площадке Forte Prom GmbH состоялся запуск нового цеха, позволяющего увеличить производственные мошности завода более, чем на 50%.
A leading professional enterprise "Forte Prom Steel" was launched for the production of steel panel radiators in Volgograd, the first stage of which is designed to produce 500,000 radiators per year.
The company celebrated its third anniversary - 15 years since its foundation. During this time, Forte Holding has shown successful growth in both quantitative and qualitative terms. Development in all conditions is a key foundation of our DNA.
Throughout the year, we have been multiplying our experience and knowledge, successfully solving new tasks in the face of external challenges that everyone had to face. Strengthening our role as a market leader, we continue to build up strength to implement further plans for the development of the holding.
A number of branches of the company with warehouses have been opened, including a branch in Belarus. Thus, Forte Holding continued to develop its distribution network not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries.
The product range has been expanded with such new trade groups as heated towel rails, axial hoods and a wide range of small Oasis household appliances.
At the beginning of the year, the launch of Forte TPN GmbH took place - a new enterprise that specializes in the production of steel tubes, plastic components and intersectional nipples for radiators.
The Holding's product matrix has grown with a wide range of mixers, Oasis hand tools and consumables.
A large-scale advertising campaign has been launched since October.My Home is My Oasis, shown on TV and on various Internet sites.