Professional soccer club Forte started its first appearance in the second Russian professional soccer league in the season 2020-21. The club's home stadium and training base was the city of Taganrog.
This significant event for the Holding Company was initiated not only due to a long-standing love for soccer, but also due to the noticeable attention of the target audience of the Holding Company's brands to this sport, which creates future synergies for advertising communications.
In the 2021-22 and 2022-23 seasons, the team strengthened its position in the top five of the standings.

The team continues the 2023-24 season in the second professional league, the Silver Zone
According to the regulations of the league, the team will have a lot of matches with difficult opponents and a wide geography of flights from Moscow to Novosibirsk

The return of professional soccer in
Taganrog City has found a bright response among the residents of the city on the sea and connoisseurs of this sport.
The main mission of the club is to create a sports festival for the whole family and to make this event memorable, filled with bright moments of games, emotions and of course the joy of victory at the home stadium for the team.